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DigitalGarden: YamaNiYosete
ひかりの箭をはなつ朝 | The Dawn releases the arrow of light |
山は霧のなかに生れ | The Mountain is born in mist |
むらさきの山体は | The purple mountain body |
こんじきの匂ひをもつ | has a golden smell |
あたらしい日を信じ | Believing in a new day |
あたらしい世界のきたるを信じ | A new world will come I believe |
にんげんの哀しさも | neither our human sadness |
国の面する悲運のかげも | nor the shadow of bad fate over our country |
世界の精神的下降の現実も | nor the fact of the world's spiritual descent |
わすれはてるわけではないが | do I forget but |
いまこのあざやかな | now, in this clear |
朝のひかりにおぼれ | morning's light drowning |
悠々と非情の勁さにそびえている | to calmly rise in cruel strength |
山にまなぼう | learn from the mountain. |