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DigitalGarden: GeneralEducation

Liberal Education General Education

教養 共通

教養改革 Better General Education

絵で見る英語 と プログラミング言語で 一貫性のある 一般的に広く役立つ内容にできます。

"Better doesn't mean different, it means more unified" --- Albert Camus in The Rebel

"This introduction to programming places computer science in the core of a liberal arts education. Unlike other introductory books, it focuses on the program design process. --- https://cs.brown.edu/about/books/​​​​​​​

General Education In A Free Society

  • A 1945 book by James Conant and the Harvard Committee.
    • A Section General and Special Education is in Towards Liberal Education
    • in 南九大's 図書館: 都城移動書架 370||I 111130078
    • also available on-line archive.org

Lewis Mumford:

The Transformation of Man

p. 179


人間 過去・現在・未来

p. 206