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DigitalGarden: OniHiTakiNoUta

鬼火焚ノ唄 | Demon Fire Making Song

鬼火焚ノ唄Demon's Fire Making SongDemons' Fire Song
燃えろ 燃えろよ 燃えろ燃えろBurn, Light Up!, Burn Burn BurnFire! Burn! Fire! Fire! Fire!
西の小山に 陽が沈む頃にWhen the sun sinks behind the low Western peaksAs the sun sinks beyond the small mountains
燃えろ 燃えろよ 燃えて燃えろBurn, Light Up, Burn Burn BurnFire! Burn! Fire! Fire! Fire!
田の神も この時は 山から降りてくるThis is when the field gods come down from the peaksNow the field gods come down the mountains
流れ流れて 流れ流れFlow, Flowing!, Flow Flow FlowFlow! Run! Flow! Flow! Flow!
潤いたもれ 生きとし山田川Liquid nourishing life Yamada riverLiquid abundant life our Yamada river
豊年豊作 願い祈れAbundance! A good year, A rich harvest, pray! we pray!Good Year Rich Harvest pray! we pray!
病みよ 疫病よ 堪え忍び(タエシノビ)祓え(ハラエ)Pains, Diseases, to be thrown offill, diseases endured to be gone
生きろ生きろよ 生きて生きろLive, To Live! Live Live LiveLive! Go On! Live! Live! Live!
悩み迷いて 愛を磨きゆけThrough painful indecision elaborate your loveLost and pained yet elaborate the love
燃えろ燃えろよ 燃えて燃えろBurn, Light Up!, Burn Burn BurnFire! Burn! Fire! Fire! Fire!
冬の田の中で 鬼が踊りだすIn the winter fields the demons dance!Demons dancing in the winter fields
鬼が踊りだすThe demons start to dance!The Demons Dance!