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DigitalGarden: OniHiTakiNoUta
鬼火焚ノ唄 | Demon Fire Making Song
鬼火焚ノ唄 | Demon's Fire Making Song | Demons' Fire Song |
燃えろ 燃えろよ 燃えろ燃えろ | Burn, Light Up!, Burn Burn Burn | Fire! Burn! Fire! Fire! Fire! |
西の小山に 陽が沈む頃に | When the sun sinks behind the low Western peaks | As the sun sinks beyond the small mountains |
燃えろ 燃えろよ 燃えて燃えろ | Burn, Light Up, Burn Burn Burn | Fire! Burn! Fire! Fire! Fire! |
田の神も この時は 山から降りてくる | This is when the field gods come down from the peaks | Now the field gods come down the mountains |
流れ流れて 流れ流れ | Flow, Flowing!, Flow Flow Flow | Flow! Run! Flow! Flow! Flow! |
潤いたもれ 生きとし山田川 | Liquid nourishing life Yamada river | Liquid abundant life our Yamada river |
豊年豊作 願い祈れ | Abundance! A good year, A rich harvest, pray! we pray! | Good Year Rich Harvest pray! we pray! |
病みよ 疫病よ 堪え忍び(タエシノビ)祓え(ハラエ) | Pains, Diseases, to be thrown off | ill, diseases endured to be gone |
生きろ生きろよ 生きて生きろ | Live, To Live! Live Live Live | Live! Go On! Live! Live! Live! |
悩み迷いて 愛を磨きゆけ | Through painful indecision elaborate your love | Lost and pained yet elaborate the love |
燃えろ燃えろよ 燃えて燃えろ | Burn, Light Up!, Burn Burn Burn | Fire! Burn! Fire! Fire! Fire! |
冬の田の中で 鬼が踊りだす | In the winter fields the demons dance! | Demons dancing in the winter fields |
鬼が踊りだす | The demons start to dance! | The Demons Dance! |