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DigitalGarden: AkiToKirishima
秋と霧島 富松良夫、 Autumn and Kirishima by Yoshio Tomimatsu
風に洗われるので | For being washed by the wind |
山も痩せてきた | The mountain has slimmed |
おまえも旅人、 わたしも旅人 | You're a traveler, I'm a traveler |
空にいんえいのない深い時がきた | The time of that deep unclouded sky has come |
その胸のうちには冷たい水 | within that breast cold water |
口にふくむのはわたしひとり | I alone take into my mouth |
岩石をななめに削り | The boulder stones are carved at an angle |
掘っても掘っても炎にはとどかぬ | dig and dig but you never reach the fire |
ここは山のもろ腰だ | This is the mountain armed |
もう少しわけ入って見よう | let's enter a bit further |
しきよくの世界のおそろしさ | the world of desire's terror |
純血精のように紅葉の谷 | like pure energy a valley of bright autumn leaves |
風におそわれるので | For being attacked by the wind |
山も痩せてきた | The mountain has slimmed |
ただことでないその痩せかた | It's no small thing this slimming |
だれかのきようの似すがただ | this similarity today to someone's form |
おまえも旅人、 わたし旅人 | You're a traveler, I'm a traveler |
さっさっと何を急ごう | come, come, let's get busy with something |
山膚をなで、 山の根をさすり | caress the mountain's skin, massage the mountain's roots |
わが胸の底の炎は消されはせぬ | The fire at the bottom of my breast will not be erased. |