Hubzilla 5.6 Released!

Hubzilla 5.6 has been released. Here is an overview of the most relevant changes:
The registration backend has been rewritten and numerous features addedThe account/channel creation has been completely decoupled from the registration process. An account/channel will only be created after the registration has been verified by the registrant and, if configured that way, approved by the admin. The added features include:
- Registration open/close times (default 24/7 open)
- Maximal registrations per day (default 50)
- Maximal registrations from same IP (default 3)
- Registration verification delay (default off)
- Registration expiration time (default 3 days)
- Require invite code (default off)
- Allow invite code (default off)
- Require email address (default on)
The default registration workflow has been simplifiedIn its default configuration a Hubzilla account can now be registered in two single steps:
- Enter registration details
- Verify registration with the received token
If registration is configured with email required (default), the verification token will be received via email. Otherwise the registration token will be provided during the registration process. It is advised to configure a verification delay (default off) if no email requirement is configured.
The invite app has been rewrittenHand in hand with the registration rewrite the invite app has been rewritten aswell. It now allows usage of predefined templates and supports multiple languages.
Redis session backen implementedPHP session handling can be demanding especially for hubs with many active channels. By default sessions are saved in the database. A while ago an optional filebased session handler has been implemented. Now optionally redis can be used for session handling. Redis is completely in-memory and will likely further improve performance espsecially for big hubs.
How to configure:
Make sure redis is installed and the necessary PHP module enabled. Add the following lines to your .htconfig.php:
App::$config['system']['session_custom'] = true;
App::$config['system']['session_save_handler'] = "redis";
App::$config['system']['session_save_path'] = "/tmp/redis.sock";
can be different depending on your enviroment. In case redis is not on localhost the
can be configured that way:
App::$config['system']['session_save_path'] = "tcp://";
Performance improvementsWith some help from our friends at we have managed to spot and fix some performance issues. The implemented fixes will slightly improve performance for all hubs. More so if postgres was selected as the database backend.
Bug fixesAmong with other minor bug fixes we managed to spot and fix the cause of bug which under certain circumstances prevented synchronization of wiki items between channel clones.
A big
THANK YOU! to all contributors and everybody who is supporting Hubzilla. Special thanks to @
NGI Zero open source funding for sponsoring my work on this project.
How to Upgrade
- create a backup
- execute
from the terminal - review registration settings
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