Hubzilla 6.4 Released!
Hubzilla 6.4 comes with many bug fixes and some neat usability improvements. Here is a condensed list of the most notable changes:
- BBcode support for the notes widget and app
- Implement system apps sync with clones
- Improved file upload performance
- Introduce all in one channel cloning via network; separate import of files and items is not required anymore (not compatible with cloning from older versions)
- Introduce progress tracking for files and items import when cloning via network (not compatible with cloning from older versions)
- Improve channel delete performance by moving some actions to background tasks
- Implement apps un-starring from the app bin via drag and drop
- Add notices tab to HQ widget
- Add option to mark all notices of a thread read if a notice of the thread is clicked (default true)
For the complete changelog please refer to
this document.
A big
THANK YOU! to all contributors and everybody who is supporting Hubzilla.
How to Upgrade
1. create a backup
2. execute util/udall from the terminal
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