Инициатива создана в виде фонда по сбору средств на платформе Paypal и нацелена на финансирование двух основных разработчиков программного обеспечения на базе протокола #
Zot, включая #
Hubzilla и #
Zap — Майка Макгирвина @
El Dorado и Марио Вавти @
Mario Vavti.
Целью поставлена сумма в размере 100000 норвежских крон или около 10000 ЕВРО в течение года.
Zot Suite
Help Zot - the red koala - enhance Zot Suite! Zot Suite are decentralized and social publishing solutions with built-in privacy for nomadic identities, for you, your friends and family. Zap and Hubzilla are the best known parts of Zot Suite.
Available since 2010 as Free Libre Open Source Software you can use, change, distribute, and even provide commercial services for, perhaps as a coop, a private company or as a community service.
Zot Suite uses the Zot protocol to provide a network of interconnected websites with authentication and authorization between the channels of people or services on these decentralized hubs.
The money will go to the principal developers of Zot Suite, represented by Mike Macgirvin in Australia and Mario Vavti in Austria.
Please share throughout the Fediverse and social media as widely as possible.
Zot - the red koala, is the protocol mascot, and the koala needs your help. Thank you for helping Zot!
support #