Toussaint Louverture thoughts in Madison Smartt Bell's novel
Master of The Crossroads: Book 2 of the
Haiti Trilogy
.> There must be work to feed the struggle—Laveaux’s French faction had no gold, nor sufficient supplies nor ammunition, so that Toussaint must take most of what he required from the enemy. This he had so far managed to do, but still there must be money to purchase weapons and supplies for the future, and so there must be work which produced something exchangeable for money—thus, plantation work, but that resembled slavery.
.> .> Work is necessary, it is a virtue; it serves the general benefit of the State. Any slothful wandering person will be arrested and punished by the law. But labor also takes place under the condition that it is only through compensation, a justly paid salary, that one can encourage it and carry it to the highest level. [---Toussaint Louverture]
.> It was well enough to speak of working for a proportion of one’s own benefit measured against the common good, and Toussaint himself believed in this principle, but for the great majority, this was not liberty....
MadisonSmarttBell quotes #
ToussaintLouverture in the novel #
MasterOfTheCrossroads , book 2 of the #
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