[Разметка Markdown]
Faculty-Development: added-varied-responses-script
Questionnaire Result Visualization
A Racket Script and Text Data Convention.
The png images generated by this script and another are in a photo-album. 1
The scripts, data, and png samples are on gitlab too.2
Convention for Text Sections: newline separations and csv sections
classname, EC1
1, How many hours did you study for this class each week on average.
10 hours or more
5 to 10 hours
3 to 5 hours
1 to 5 hours
less than one hour
no time studying
2, Was the syllabus covered?
well covered (80%)
mostly covered (60%)
not well covered (40%)
not covered (20%)
2, 8,26,3,0
3-1, Did you actively participate in the class?
very much so
so so
can't say
not much
not at all
3-2, Did you actively participate in groupwork, experiments, etc.?
yes actively
a little actively
not very actively
not actively
no such activities
3-2, 7,21,5,0,4
3-3, Did you ask questions?
10 times or more
5 times or so
1 to 2 times
4, Do you understand the class?
Can't say
not much
5, Was the class one of active learning?
can't say
not really
Command Line script
#! /usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
;; With the racket script and text data in your current directory
;; From the Command line if the script is executable:
;; > ./varied-responses-format-to-views-cli.rkt
;; ; to use the the default filename and adjustment, or
;; > ./varied-responses-format-to-views-cli.rkt varied-responses-format-en.txt -en
;; ; to use alternate data text and filename adjustment, or
;; > racket varied-responses-format-to-views-cli.rkt
;; ; works the same way if adding to the script's mode is a troublesome detail;
;; ; > chmod +x varied-responses-format-to-views-cli.rkt
;; ; or default to Q-responses-format-2.txt and cli arguments
(require csv-reading plot)
(define formatted-results
(if (< 0 (vector-length (current-command-line-arguments)))
(vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0)
(define f-name-adjust
(if (< 1 (vector-length (current-command-line-arguments)))
(vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 1)
(define (make-q-plot-filename str)
(string-append str f-name-adjust))
(define text-string (file->string formatted-results))
;; text-string ; ok!
(define text-sections-list
(string-split text-string "\n\n\n"))
;; text-sections-list ; ok!
(define class-data (csv->list (first text-sections-list)))
;; class-data ; ok!
(define responder-turnout-list (csv->list (second text-sections-list)))
;; responder-turnout-list ; ok!
(define-values (regsd-num regsd-str respd-num respd-str)
(values (string->number (second (first responder-turnout-list)))
(first (first responder-turnout-list))
(string->number (second (second responder-turnout-list)))
(first (second responder-turnout-list))))
(define Qs-w-responses-results-sections
(drop text-sections-list 2))
;;Qs-w-responses-results-sections ; ok!
(define Q-responses-results-lists
(map (lambda (section) (string-split section "\n\n"))
;; Q-responses-results-lists ; ok!
;; (first Q-responses-results-lists)
"2, 8,26,3,0")
(define (Q-response-list->data Q-r-r-lst)
(define n-w-q (car (csv->list (first Q-r-r-lst))))
(define number (first n-w-q))
(define question (second n-w-q))
(define responses
(string-split (second Q-r-r-lst) "\n"))
(define frequencies
(map string-trim
(cdr (first (csv->list (third Q-r-r-lst))))))
(list number question responses frequencies))
;; (Q-response-list->data (first Q-responses-results-lists)) ; ok!
("8" "26" "3" "0"))
(define label-start-x -.5 )
(define resp-freq-sep .5)
(define p-label-txt-size 14)
(define p-label-num-size 13)
(define line-width 10)
(define (response-line y resp-str freq-str)
(define freq-num (string->number freq-str))
(define freq-y (- y resp-freq-sep))
(point-label (vector label-start-x y)
resp-str #:point-size 0 #:size p-label-txt-size)
(lines (list (vector 0 freq-y) (vector freq-num freq-y))
#:width line-width #:color "cornflower blue")
(point-label (vector freq-num freq-y) freq-str
#:point-size 0 #:size p-label-txt-size)))
(define (regi-responded-lines-end-label x y num str )
(point-label (vector x y) num
#:anchor 'bottom-right #:point-size 0 #:size p-label-num-size)
(point-label (vector x y) str
#:anchor 'top-right #:color "black" #:point-size 0 #:size p-label-txt-size)))
(define (regi-responded-lines y num str (clr "light gray") (wdth line-width))
(list (lines (list (vector 0 y)(vector num y)) #:color clr #:width wdth)
(regi-responded-lines-end-label num y
(number->string num)
(define (plot-q-varied q-data-strs) ; change to plot-bitmap for cli-script
(list num-str question responses freq-strs)
(Q-response-list->data q-data-strs))
(define f-name (path-add-extension
(make-q-plot-filename num-str)
;; error check that responses and freq-strs are same length?
(define resp-ys (range 1 (+ 1 (length freq-strs))))
(define y-max (+ 2.5 (length responses)))
(define q-y (- y-max .8))
(define pict-btmp ; make pict-btmp for cli script
((plot-decorations? #f)
(plot-width 800)
(plot-height 400)
(point-label (vector label-start-x q-y)
#:point-size 0 #:size p-label-txt-size)
(regi-responded-lines (- q-y .7) regsd-num regsd-str)
(regi-responded-lines (- q-y 1) respd-num respd-str)
;; (response-line 1 (first responses) (first freq-strs)) ; ok!
(map response-line resp-ys responses freq-strs)
(regi-responded-lines -0.3 regsd-num regsd-str)
(regi-responded-lines 0 respd-num respd-str)
#:x-min -1 #:x-max (+ (* .02 regsd-num) regsd-num)
#:y-min -0.8 #:y-max y-max
(send pict-btmp save-file f-name 'png)
;; pict-preview ;; for DrR iterative viewing and tweaking
;;(plot-q-varied (sixth Q-responses-results-lists))
;; (plot-q-varied (seventh Q-responses-results-lists))
(for-each plot-q-varied Q-responses-results-lists)
For Dr Racket Tweaking
Replace the first few lines of the command line script
#lang racket
;; replace "/path/to/my/directory"
(current-directory "/home/brian/repos/gl/questionnaire-facdev")
(require csv-reading plot)
(define formatted-results "varied-responses-format-ja.txt")
(define f-name-adjust "-ja")
(define text-string (file->string formatted-results))
;; text-string ; ok!
https://gitlab.com/bzmall2/questionnaire-facdev ↩︎