So, it looks like there's a need for a bit of basic social justice understanding.
Here's a first lesson, which seems relevant for some reason today:
"If it ain't about you, don't make it about you."
That is, if the post begins, "I hate when white people do X", if you're not a white person who does X, then you're not being talked about. Leave it alone.
If the post begins, "Hey boomer, if you're wondering why there were no visible trans people thirty years ago..." then if you're not someone who was wondering that, IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. If you're genuinely not a bigot, then you really, REALLY don't have to say "not all boomers". I know that already. But I'm addressing the ones who don't understand the thing I said, not all of you.
If you were genuinely an ally, back in the day, then hurrah for you. You're rarer than hen's teeth. But don't come to my mentions telling me how no one you know was like that, and you're offended that I said "all boomers do this" when I said nothing of the sort. Because that shit is just gaslighting.
Here endeth the lesson.
Edited to add: Like all good lessons in social justice, I learned this from Black activists. If you consider yourself interested in social justice, but aren't following Black activists and advocates, you're Doing It Wrong. Everything we're "rediscovering" was already done by them.