... the old may be induced to surrender their power. Once robbed of their power, they might become objects of benevolence. I would have them transported to islands in the South Seas, where there should be no prohibition and a plentiful supply of cigars and where special newspapers should be published under a strict censorship with orders to represent that the world is going to the dogs and that in no respect is any improvement occurring anywhere. By this means happiness could be brought to the declining years of these victims of medical skill without their being in a position to oppress the young or to prevent the world from adjusting itself to new conditions.... 権力を一旦取り上げられれば,彼らは博愛の対象となってもよいだろう。私ならば,彼らを南海の島に運んでしまうだろう。そこでは,何も禁止されず,たばこは十分供給され,世界は破滅に向かいつつあり,いかなる点においてもまったく改善がなされていないことを記述せよとの命令とともに,厳しい検閲制度のもとで特別な新聞が発行されるべきである。このような手段によって,これらの(発達した)医療技術の犠牲者のたそがれの年月も幸せなものとなり,老人たちが若者を抑圧したり,世界の新しい状況へ対応を妨げることもなくなるだろう。