Max Ajl review of Irene Gendzier's Dying to Forget
.> From 1947-1948, the new Israeli state carried out cleansing operations, disturbing regional stability and setting a spark to the tinder of Arab nationalism. In 1948, Truman recognized Israel. The State Department’s Arabists protested, pointing out that petroleum interests were imperiled. Again, domestic pressure prevailed. In 1949, after further cleansing, domestic lobbying ensured that Truman would not pressure Israel to return any refugees. There lies the root of the Palestine issue...
.> “For reasons unrelated to domestic politics” – and perhaps she should have said electoral politics, since the military-industrial complex is quite domestic – the Joint Chiefs of Staff “concluded that Israel’s military justified U.S. interest, and such interest merited lowering the pressure on Israel to ensure that it turned away from the USSR and toward the West and the United States.”...
MaxAjl revies of book by #
IreneGendzier #
IreneLGendzier #
DyingToForget #
EthnicCleansing Reinterpreting Truman and Israel: A review of Irene Gendzier’s ‘Dying to Forget’In her new book, Dying to Forget, historian Irene Gendzier examines unexamined archives to reinterpret the dominant narrative of U.S. foreign policy during the creation of the state of Israel…