A sponsor free weekly, syukan kinyobi in 2007!!, had an article about the Agent Orange buried in Japan's national forests. The Japanese government aided and abetted the USA's invasion/occupation of Vietnam in several ways: one of them must have been buying up excess Agent Orange... When Dupont's (? or Monsanto's?) was discovered to be terribly toxic: worse than typical weed killers, the use was banned.. But what can you do with tons of extremely toxic dioxin?? Bury it until you retire and leave it for the next generation?? In the
Good News book by Daivd Suzuki and Holly Dressel there is a mention of a Canadian company that makes a small-scale (portable) incinerator that can super heat dioxins in a way that gets their chlorine into harmful configurations as a salt. The only way we should permit chorline into the environment. There is a classic article by Charlie Cray,
Chlorine: The Everywhere Element that I should find and read aaing. I think he went on to make a documentary movie about the dangeer of the free (overly promiscuous) chlorine that combines into horrible dioxins (environmental hormones)...