Noam Chomsky mentions Mads GIlbert while talking about Gaza, Palestine and Israel and USA policies that go on behind the distractions of staged "peace process" negotiations...
.> This picture is what it is all about today. It is about Gaza, it is about children, it’s about the future, and it is about Israeli brutal attacks on Gaza. This is a little girl. This is in her neighborhood in Shujaiya. It is August last year, just after the ceasefire. She is indeed the representative of the Palestinian future: the young generation in Gaza mostly below 18 years, 60 percent being 24 or less, and she is walking through the totally devastated neighborhood of her friends and her family. Her school is probably damaged, she is walking towards her future. Still under siege, she is still there as we are speaking. She is part of our responsibility.
.> The second picture [is] from Vietnam. We all remember the little girl running with burning Napalm on her back. It is a very graphic illustration of the brutality of the U.S. occupation of Vietnam and the just struggle of the Vietnamese people. It is June 8, 1972. During those days, we still had an unembedded media. They reported honestly from what happened around the world. They were not in green uniforms sitting at the table of the generals doing summations of the bombings. They were truly independent journalists. Today, the mainstream media is mostly lying to you: lying about realities, lying about the facts on the ground and lying about the human suffering of the militarism and the military so-called solutions.
Night in Gaza with Dr. Mads Gilbert - The Jerusalem Fund #
MadsGilbert #
EyesInGaza #
GazaLife #
Dr. Mads Gilbert presents his recent book of photographs taken during the 2014 war on Gaza. This is the photo story that pays tribute to the courage, endurance, and almost inconceivably strong spirit of Palestinian health workers and volunteers, a spirit replicated throughout the severely tested society of Gaza during the summer war of 2014.